U2 have confirmed reports that their new album will be released later this year.
The group are due to release their first album since 2009’s ‘No Line On The Horizon’ and have been recording with producers including Danger Mouse in recent months. Earlier this year, reports had suggested that the band had pushed back the album to have time to work on material with producer Paul Epworth, whose credits include Adele and Coldplay. However, this was denied by a band spokesperson and recent reports have suggested that the album could be released as soon as next month, with Universal Music Venezuela and Universal Music Colombia briefly posting tweets saying the album was coming out in September.

Now the band have again confirmed that the album will be released in 2014, with a spokesperson telling Rolling Stone: “We’ve always said an album is expected this year.”
Whatever the near future holds, U2 seem to be hard at work. The French newspaper Nice-Matin reported that the group shot a new video in Nice, France, the other week, and the Irish Times quotes a source saying there will be a single in September, an album in September or October and a tour announced in December, with dates beginning in April of next year. “It is believed,” says the article, via U2 fan site atu2.com, that “the band will release it with little of the fanfare usually associated with a new U2 album.”

In February, the band debuted their comeback single ‘Invisible’ during an advert at the Super Bowl, allowing fans to download it for free on iTunes.
In addition to a new U2 album, Bono and The Edge are also working with Once director John Carney on a new musical film based on the filmmaker’s childhood.

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Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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