

Two Gallants hale from San Francisco and have been recording since 2004, We Are Undone is their fifth studio album. They are yet another two person band (which seems to be flavour of the month) and yes you’ve guessed it they are in the vein of White Stripes/Black Keys but nowhere near as good, just sort of an average blend of the two.

You wouldn’t guess really from the opening track We Are Undone which is very bluesy with raspy vocals that I thought boded well as an opener for the rest of the album, but its second track Incidental which sets the tone it’s all feedback and fuzzy, and you get the feeling ‘I’ve heard this before’. The next track Fools is just a slower fuzzy feedback sound but then as you think ‘oh here we go for the full album’. The middle three tracks slow the pace right down and they do actually work in their own right. Invitation To The Funeral is a slow building grower of a track with some subtle piano and Some Trouble could fit right into any angst/grunge album, My Man Go is the last of the three that holds some interest.

Katy kruelly is an odd quirky song that stands out from the rest, a pleasant acoustic track but then back to familiar territory with heart breakdown which is listenable but doesn’t really go anywhere.

As for the last two tracks Murder The Season and There’s So Much That I Don’t Know you can’t really tell one from the other and the album sort of tails off. Hence the reason why the low score, for me it holds a vague interest but just doesn’t stand up enough on its own.

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