INTERVIEW: The Armentani Brothers Talk ‘Enough of You’, Touring And Their Thoughts On Twitter

INTERVIEW: The Armentani Brothers Talk 'Enough of You', Touring And Their Thoughts On Twitter

There are some siblings who get on and some who don’t. The Armentani Brothers fall into the first category. They get on so well – and are so in sync with each other (for the most part at least) – that they decided to form a band, a decision that, given their growing success, has most certainly paid off in more ways than one. Having just finished up a tour in the US, XS Noize caught up with them to find out about their future performance plans and the inspiration to and behind their new single “Enough Of You.”

At what age did the three of you realise, either individually or collectively, that music was the path you wanted to go down? 

Music has been a pillar in the lives of all three of us since the day we were born. We were always singing, dancing, and making up songs in our living room. As you could imagine, there was never a dull moment in the Armentani household. Our grandfather, George Giordas, had his own famous Greek music band named after him. He would sing, play the bouzouki, and lead his fellow bandmates on tours around the east coast. We always had him to look up to as a musician, and we are very proud of his work. We were lucky enough to have him teach us how to read, write, and play music from a young age. With the help of our parents and our grandfather, we were classically trained musicians, which helped to set the foundation for our passion for music.

In high school, George attended a Deadmau5 show and never looked back. That night inspired him to go down the path of being a performing DJ & producer. This journey started when he was 13. From there, he would pitch to play small sets at high school dances, mixes for his small following, and just do anything possible to get his skills up to speed and his music out there. In college, George played every college basement, many opening gigs, and any event he could find to keep growing his name and brand.

As Jim and John got older, they began to watch George DJ and wanted to learn for themselves. Both brothers had similar journeys to George, hustling to get their names and music out there at any opportunity they could. All three brothers had their individual DJ journeys before they came together and formed “The Armentani Brothers.” They all knew from a young age that music was their passion, but what made it even better is when they realised they could combine their passion and grow together into the up-and-coming group that they are today.

What’s it like being brothers in a band? Do you ever have a moment where you go, perhaps after a quarrel, ‘What the heck am I doing?’ or does your love of music override everything and keep you united? What would each of you say another brings to the group? 

Being brothers makes everything easier! We can speak our minds honestly and openly because that’s what we have been doing our whole lives. Luckily, we, along with our older sister Dawn, are all best friends, so it makes working together seamless. When we disagree, we speak our minds immediately and work through it.  But more often than not, we are on the same page, and if we aren’t, we figure it out. All the brothers are showmen and love their fans a ton. They all bring something a little different to the table, but when you see them perform or even just have a chance to speak with them one on one, you’ll immediately feel their energy and love for what they do.

EDM music has seen a considerable boom in the last few years – why do you think that is? 

Dance music has not only been a staple of dance floors all around the world, but it is now a part of mainstream music and media. DJs have started to try new sounds and push the limits on blending genres and styles. The music is getting better every day and more relatable to broader audiences. Also, once people experience a show, the atmosphere is addicting and makes you want to keep coming back for more.

Your single “Next To You” has to date racked up an impressive 500,000 streams. What do you think it is about that song that people have connected to so strongly?

That song means a ton to us. We had the opportunity to work with some amazing artists on this track, such as Kendall Huggins and Tony Arzadon. In every moment of the song, you can feel the lyrics, feel the music, and just lose yourself for a few minutes in the track. The lyrics are relatable, as we’ve all probably been in a position where we meet someone, and that moment just ‘clicks’ between you too. ‘Next to You’ can be about a friend, a significant other, a stranger. It can really be about anything you want. And that’s the beautiful thing about music. We try to make our music relatable, take you to a moment, and keep you dancing and singing along throughout.

Is there a particular story, theme or idea behind your latest release, “Enough of You”? What made you think it was the right choice to release as a single?

For this track, we collaborated with our great friends, “Little Legends.” This track was in the works for almost a year before we released it. I think we all wanted to try something different on this one. We wanted to take our passion for dance music and blend it with our love for pop/punk – early 2000s sound.  Our goal with this was to, again, relate to our listener and give them a listening experience that they might not be used to. This track took us out of our comfort zone a bit, but our fans and supporters seem to love it so far, with over 20k streams in a week!

You’ve played shows alongside the likes of Steve Aoki and Kaskade, among others, but if you could put together your dream show line up, with yourselves as the headliners, who else would you have on the bill? 

Wow, this is a tough one, as there are so many artists we love and look up to. We all agree that our dream show would be with Tiesto and Hardwell. These are arguably the two biggest names to ever step through the EDM scene. We look up to these artists and hopefully will be doing a show with them soon. While headlining would be amazing, just to be on a bill with those artists would be quite the honour.

You’ve recently finished up your “Red Lips” East Coast tour. Are there any plans for guys to head overseas, perhaps here to the UK? 

We had some great crowds and amazing experiences on that tour. We are looking to schedule a series of shows throughout the US in the near future. We would love to play a show overseas soon. Playing a show in the UK would be amazing!

Given your streaming success, I’m curious as to how you feel about the music industry’s ever-growing reliance on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, alongside streaming sites like Spotify and Soundcloud. Both personally and professionally, how do the three of you feel about it and do you think it would be or is at all possible for a new artist to achieve success today without being so interactive/with a strong online presence? 

As with anything, you have to be open to adapt and adjust to stay relevant. While right now, having a strong online presence is definitely key to market yourself as an up-and-coming artist, we are always looking for ways to innovate and push ourselves forward. We work hard on our music and performances, and we also work hard to make sure people hear the work that we do. As time goes on and our name continues to grow, it will become easier to reach new audiences; but for now, we hustle every day to build our following and put out a unique product for our fans.

Finally, then, aside from single releases and the tour, what else does the rest of the year have in store for you? What’s the one big goal for 2022?

The rest of 2022 is an open book for us. We are exploring our options and trying to make it the most energy-filled, special rotation of shows. Our main goal for 2022 is to play a large music festival. We are in the works of locking in a festival soon!

Xsnoize Author
Rebecca Haslam 93 Articles
Rebecca writes about pretty much any and all music but is a big pop-rock-indie fan. She loves the likes of Panic!. Fall Out Boy and Green Day, but is pretty old school too with Roxette and ABBA on many of her playlists. When not writing, she enjoys travelling far and wide, attending theatre and music shows, reading and spending time with friends.

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