Danish song writing duo The Wands return to the UK this November with their debut album ‘The Dawn’, a record that celebrates flamboyant, hallucinogenic acid rock, propelled by ideas and a, some might say, old-school ethos in terms of their approach to recording. Much preferring the straight to tape method (bolstered by a raft of analogue kit, honest production, and an understanding that this is the only way to get the mix they need) the duo, comprised of childhood friends Christian Skibdal and Mads Gräs, resuscitate 60’s style Psych-rock and inject a characteristically playful Wands slant.

Indeed, it’s a record flecked with the remnants of lives spent growing up together; one abound with signposts that point toward a naïve outlook, a childishness even, but a musical maturity and knowingness that only comes from immersion and hanging out with your best friend for 20 years. On opening track, and current single, Sound of The Machine, they stick a middle finger to the man (“there’s an island of misplaced toys / it’s a sea of sweet delight / on the planet of misfit boys / they jump at the chance of a good fight”) while former single The Dawn yearns for a simpler time. Similarly, Get It Out of Your System’s effervescent glam romp belongs in the playground, while closing track The Name of The Mountain lumbers to a momentous, dizzying, triumphant conclusion, ablaze with Gräs’ own ever-present wandering guitar. Through the haze, emerges another thoughtful refrain, “It’s the name of the mountain / It’s the road we designed / Spending hours counting flowers that we’re leaving behind”.

This is what The Wands do. They want to “shine a light on all the dark, serious sh**”.

The Wands embark on a 7 week Euro / UK tour in November, and will appear at The Lexington, London on 7th November.

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Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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