VIDEO PREMIERE: Paul Melia – Doctor In The Sky

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doctor in the sky

Doctor In The Sky is the first single from the forthcoming album ‘Moons Over Mountains’ by Paul Melia. Moons Over Mountains is the second album from Paul Melia. The record is a concept album based around a dream/dreams and played out in four movements.

Musically, there is a wide range of genres hopping from pop, jazz, and classical to world music, rock, and experimental.

The first single Doctor In The Sky melds many genres together. As Melia states ” I love the idea of what Brian Wilson was doing with Pocket Symphonies (as described by Derek Taylor). The notion is that you can have many sections within the pop sphere but do something interesting and expansive. With Doctor In The Sky, I was trying to do something like that”. The track incorporates many ethnic sounds (Koto, Marimba) and infuses it with experimental pop.

The gestation of the record took longer than needed. ”I woke up one day, put on David Bowie’s Blackstar, and noticed one side of the headphones was not working. Unfortunately, it turned out my hearing was mostly gone on my right side. The hearing then shifted from my right to my left, and my hearing was fine again on my right but bad on my left. From that, I developed Hyperacusis which lasted over 4 years, and then gradually my hearing came back. So finishing this album has been something of great joy and relief for me.

Within the four movements (each with 3 songs) the songs take you on a journey musically from the opening Kate Bush inspired ”At The Top Of The Tree” to the classical ”Overture” to pop of ”Meet Me In The Stars”.

” I think my life is rather boring so I do try and create something of an escape within the music. I find concepts are a good way of doing it. With this album, it is all about escapism”.

Watch the video for ‘Doctor In The Sky’ – BELOW:


Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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