Released on CD and as a digital download ‘Come At Me Now’ is the highly anticipated new single from King Kartel, a band renowned for their infectious indie-infused rock. Formed in September 2012, King Kartel wasted no time in taking the UK and Ireland by storm through a successful tour to support the release of their debut single ‘Stone Cold Killer’, which has now racked up an impressive 29,000 views on Youtube.

The quartet, mainly hailing from Northern Ireland, quickly caught the attention of Riggsy from the BBC’s ‘Across the Line’ who gave ‘Stone Cold Killer’ plenty of airplay, heralding them as hometown heroes, a claim justified by a string of sold out shows in and around Newry. Riggsy describes the band as having an “eye for a hook!” and Philly Taggart from BBC Radio 1 says King Kartel produce “cheeky guitar pop in the vein of The Fratellis and The Courteeners”.

Northern Ireland is no longer home to King Kartel these days, as vocalist Hugh explains. “It all started in a small town where the takeaway food takes preference over new music or nights out even. We always dreamed of escaping so after a few gigs when people were getting behind us we thought we’d give it a go and head towards the bright lights in Manchester. We only had us so we had to go out and play open mics, hand out fliers, do anything we could to try get enough people together so we could even get a shit slot on a half decent night, but it was all worth it. We’ve made some cracking friends along the way and the move changed our sound too. We went from a jingly jangly type band to more of a rock and roll outfit.”

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‘Come At Me Now’ prove the King Kartel aren’t afraid to embrace their pop sensibilities which combine with their indie rock sound to create a storming single which is set to raise the profile of the Manchester based band even higher.

Hugh says “We’re a band who just love to play, we’re all about playing live, we’re about attitude, we love to live, we love nights out, we love drinking, we love having a good time, we love partying. Our aim is to write upbeat hook laden songs that will get people excited, there’s too much negativity in the world.”

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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