Tolü Makay, Mick Flannery & Susan O’Neill, Joshua Burnside and more to perform at Custom House Square on 16 March at St Patrick’s Eve Concert

Tolü Makay, Mick Flannery & Susan O’Neill, Joshua Burnside and more to perform at Custom House Square on 16 March at St Patrick's Eve Concert 1

Tolü Makay, Mick Flannery & Susan O’Neill, Joshua Burnside and more to perform at Custom House Square on 16 March. The sounds of a modern island will echo around Custom House Square as The Duncairn Arts Centre presents a family-friendly, alcohol-free evening of homegrown music and poetry from a range of exciting Irish artists. Everyone, from every community in our city, is welcome to join in this unique celebration of what makes us great.

On the night, headliners Mick Flannery and Susan O’Neill will perform tracks from their chart-topping album ‘In The Game’, with rising star Tolü Makay bringing her unique blend of R&B and soul to Custom House Square for a special set.

Belfast’s own Joshua Burnside will showcase his experimental folk sound, with music also coming from trailblazing Armagh flute and whistle player Brian Finnegan.

The Duncairn Creative Collective, which brings together over 20 independent Irish musicians from different backgrounds and genres will complete the evening’s stunning lineup. Your

hosts for the event are BBC’s Lynette Fay and Belfast comedy sensation Paddy Raff.

Mick Flannery - Susan O'Neill
Mick Flannery – Susan O’Neill Dublin Shoot

Alcohol will be put to the side for the evening as we have our fill of fun, arts, culture, creativity and diversity in a safe and welcoming environment. Aside from the high-quality entertainment on stage, there will be street performers, family-friendly food options and more.

Taking place on the 16th of March, this ambitious event will be unique to Belfast’s St. Patrick’s celebrations and hopes to kick-start the carnival festivities for the day after. Doors Open at 4.30 pm, the show starts at 5 pm and will be over at 9 pm, just in time to get the little gig-goers to bed or to continue your celebrations in this wonderful city we call home.

The concert is free to attend but admission is by ticket only.

Free tickets can be booked from

About The Duncairn Centre

The Duncairn Centre for Arts & Culture opened its doors in 2014 and it is North Belfast’s first purpose-built Arts and Culture, Concert venue, theatre space and art gallery specialising in live folk, acoustic and traditional Irish music.

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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