Typically the most effective art, in any form, comes from a very simple idea. It defies overly general classification, yet clearly exhibits some sort of relevance to just about anyone. LA’s Swing Hero is a band that embodies these principles, a truly honest reflection of a heavy heart.

Conceived by Marshall Gallagher (ex-Solar Bear, touring guitarist for 3OH!3) ‘You’ve Never Been So Alone’ is Swing Hero’s debut EP consisting of 3 tracks each better than the last. You can find nostalgic comfort in layer after layer of warm guitar, mid-tempo pocket grooves and vocals that are both lyrically sharp and melodically contagious.

Swing Hero have crafted a flawless introduction to their alluring amalgam of shimmery dreamo and virtuosic post-grunge. The delivery is heavy, pretty and deceptively straightforward. The subject matter: growing up and dealing with heartbreak is exhausting, no matter who you are.

The lead track from the EP ‘Interest’ is a blend of puissant and dense guitars that call to mind the sounds of Smashing Pumpkins (think Cherub Rock), beguiling vocals in the vein of Rival Schools and Park, and is rounded off perfectly with melodic backing vocal harmonies which are evocative of Diamond Youth or Weezer. ‘Interest’ instantly draws the listener in, and despite its familiar and redolent nature remains individualistic and unrestrained throughout.

For the band, 2014 brings the prospect of at least one brand new release, shows spanning the US, and a chance to prove their true prowess in the wake of their recent relocation to Los Angeles. Swing Hero is climbing steadily, gunning for soft spots and sentimental hearts around the globe.

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Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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