SILENT RUNNING release inspirational new single ‘Live Right Now’

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SILENT RUNNING release inspirational new single ‘Live Right Now’

Silent Running have released a new single ‘Live Right Now’ – the first from the band’s forthcoming new album.

The song was written by lead singer Peter Gamble who explained:

“The idea for ‘Live Right Now’ originally came from my wife constantly saying to me “if you want to do anything in life do it now – you never know what’s around the corner. Don’t put things off”, and also the feeling that life was racing by and I was just a spectator running on a hamster wheel, never stopping to enjoy the moment.

I guess the idea of making the most of life and enjoying every precious moment has become even more relevant given the situation the world now finds itself in and the uncertain times we are living in”.

Watch the video for ‘Live Right Now’ – BELOW:

Silent Running were one of Northern Ireland’s biggest musical exports in the 1980s.

The band released three albums: their first ‘Shades of Liberty’ was released on EMI Records, before signing with Atlantic Records in the USA and releasing ‘Walk on Fire’ and ‘Deep’.

Silent Running headlined numerous nights at London’s legendary Marquee club and toured extensively across Europe and the USA with some of the biggest names in the music business including Simple Minds, Robert Palmer, Talk Talk, and Stevie Van Zandt from Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band.

After the break-up of the band in 1989, Silent Running reunited to play sold-out gigs at Belfast venue Voodoo in June and November 2019.

The band released the single ‘Lost Boy’ in November 2019 and an album Live in Voodoo, Belfast in March 2020.

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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