GHOST AGAINST GHOST share new track “Resume” from upcoming ‘still love’ LP

GHOST AGAINST GHOST share new track "Resume" from upcoming 'still love' LP

Woodstock, NY band Ghost Against Ghost unveil a new track “Resume” from the forthcoming epic album still love today. Ghost Against Ghost is fronted by composer and producer Christopher Bono, with musical contributions by guitarist Anthony Molina (Mercury Rev) and drummer Thomas Pridgen (Mars Volta, Trash Talk) and various other musicians.

“Resume” is the third release from the upcoming still love LP. This epic 9-minute gothic shoegaze track moves from vast sci-fi fields of Vangelis-like distorted synth textures, to downtempo verses driven by Pridgen’s heavy grooves and Bono’s contemplative lyrics. The vocal passage peaks in a dense choir of interweaving female and male vocals that transitions into a massive, slow and heavy sound wall over a Black Sabbath inspired groove. This somehow delivers the listener into an uptempo, psycho-circus disco-electronica section that strangely blends mid-70’s Pink Floyd dance grooves with beautifully wild, classical sounding lines to create a sort of vintage sonic futurism.

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Lyrically, Bono continues the gender reversal technique of the still love releases where the words are sung from a female perspective and examines the river of difficult emotions that surround a divorce. In Resume, rhetorical questions are continuously asked to the leaving lover about the boundaries of their love, and where perhaps, on a more cosmic level, it may begin again.

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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