Florence Welch and director Vincent Haycock have debuted their short film The Odyssey. The film, created for Florence + the Machine’s new album How Big How Blue How Beautiful and starring Florence, debuted online last night, followed by a Facebook Q&A with Florence and Haycock, hosted by celebrated music director and Haycock’s partner in art collective MAINLINE, A.G. Rojas.
The Odyssey unites each of the visual film segments created for Florence + the Machine’s new album How Big How Blue How Beautiful—“What Kind Of Man,” “How Big How Blue How Beautiful,” “St. Jude,” “Ship To Wreck,” “Queen Of Peace” and “Delilah,” as well as the final and previously unseen installment for “Third Eye”—into a 47-minute, cohesive short film complete with new, connecting scenes. The film had its first screening last week at London’s Rio Cinema followed by a Q&A with Welch and Haycock, also hosted Rojas.
The concluding visual for “Third Eye” can now be viewed on its own as well BELOW.
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