Brooklyn, NY’s INFINITY GIRL Releasing ‘Harm’ LP on August 28

Brooklyn, NY's INFINITY GIRL Releasing 'Harm' LP  on August 28

Forged in the crucible of the Boston underground and now based in Brooklyn, New York, Infinity Girl is a four-piece American guitar band. The act emerged in 2012 with a startlingly whole and reverent shoegaze sound on its debut full length, ‘Stop Being On My Side,’ a set that was equal parts haunting melody and ear-bleeding power. An EP, ‘Just Like Lovers,’ followed in late 2012 and again propounded Infinity Girl’s refreshing proclivity for bending classic song forms toward its will to experiment. More recently the band has taken its music to a darker and more dynamic place informed by both classic post-punk sounds and an increasingly formidable ability to meld noise and hooks in exciting, surprising ways.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Track Listing:

1. Hesse
2. Firehead
3. Locklaun
4. Hold
5. Not Man
6. Liner
7. Heavy
8. Dirty Sun
9. Young
10. Musei
11. Around Me

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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