10 Tips How to Write a Music Essay

10 Tips How to Write a Music Essay 1

Essay writing can be challenging for some, especially when it comes to music essays, as it is unclear to a lot of students how to go about writing them. However, with the right tips and practice, you should succeed in composing a stellar music essay that will impress your professor. In this article, we discuss 10 steps you can use when writing music essays.

10 Easy To Follow Tips on Writing Music Essays

Here are 10 steps you can apply when writing a music essay:

1.    Listen and understand the music you’re writing the essay on

You might choose to skip this step, but listening to the music you’re about to write an essay on can be considered very important. By listening to the music yourself, you’re likely to learn a thing or two that might help influence your choice of words while writing.

2.    Do some background research into the music

After listening to the music, it might be wise to research it. You can find essential facts about the music, such as who composed it, what genre of music it falls into, the type of instrumentation used, and more. As stated earlier, this can positively assist in your essay composition.

As a student, you want to be as prepared as possible, so you might want to consider extending your research, exploring various information sources that cover your chosen topic, or even using a free essay sample platform to read examples of good music essays. This way, you will get a practical example of how a good music essay should look like, and become better equipped to write your own.

3.    Come up with an outline for your essay

A rough outline is a “skeleton” of your essay that will help guide you as you progress. You can always fall back to your outline as a guide if you feel you might be going off-topic at any point in your essay. Also, you can use your outline to gather all the significant points you have and select the best.

4.    Consider a solid and compelling topic for your essay

A solid and persuasive topic is the first step towards engaging your readers. Your topic title should be related to the music essay’s content. You might not be able to get the right topic idea immediately, so try writing down 4 or more topic ideas, then narrowing things down.

5.    Try and make your introduction engaging

An interesting introduction is likely to keep your reader interested in reading further. You can explain to your reader what to expect in the essay through your introduction. You should use words that are easy to understand but don’t shy away from thought-provoking concepts.

6.    Use paragraphs in the main body to elaborate on your points

Every essay writing guide will tell you that the body of your essay should contain the major points you’re trying to convey to the reader. You should take advantage of paragraphs as a way to express these points. Your paragraphs should be short, and each one should have a singular, recognizable theme of thought.

7.    Recap the main points of your essay towards the end

As you approach the end of your essay, you want to leave your reader aware of the information they just received. Your final paragraph can be used to reemphasize the main points you were trying to convey. An ideal closing paragraph should be brief and straight to the point.

8.    Try and check for grammatical errors when writing

When you’re done, you should check your essay for grammatical errors. Depending on whether your essay is graded, an essay with errors might attract a reduction in marks awarded. Hence, it’s always important to proofread your work.

9.    Revise to confirm it matches essay requirements

Some schools might have different requirements when it comes to essays. One of them is word count, which limits the number of words you use in your essay. There might be other restrictions or rules you’re meant to abide by. Always take time out to go over the instructions. Being able to closely follow the given requirements is a mark of a good writer.

10.   Seek feedback from friends and family

Finally, you might want to ask friends and family members to go over your essay. They might be able to spot errors you missed or offer creative feedback on how you can improve. Again, this is an important step you might not want to miss.

10 Tips How to Write a Music Essay
Music can be fun to listen to but may not be that easy to write about. However, knowing the proper techniques to use and practising your writing can go a long way to make each music essay you write awesome. So, following the steps provided in this article will help you in writing better and making sure your music essay is on point.

Author Bio

Philip Richardson is a music lover and content writer. He frequently engages in musical competitions and loves covering all things music in his articles. He enjoys travelling and listening to tunes, as he works on his content. His interests also include academia and business.

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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