Split between Cambridge and London, the enigmatic electro-indie quintet Lunacre, are now ready to release their latest single ‘Engine’. It’s a multifarious listen which blends a number of influences and calls to mind the sounds of Vondelpark, Radiohead and at times the soft ambience of Mount Kimbie. Their sound is a unique sonic amalgamation which has seen their fan base grow with every release, evidenced by their recent series of successful UK live dates.

‘Engine’ darts between flitters of charmingly discordant guitar and deconstructed electronic noise, before morphing into a pristine and precise combination of mellow clicks, swells and beeps. Melancholic vocals and lethargic guitar redolent of James Blake, collide with a jazzy trip-hop infused Madchester-esque rhythm and bass section which is strewn with bizarre yet apposite samples throughout. The juxtaposition between these elements doesn’t detract from the overall unity of the track; everything here has been created and placed exactly where the band want it.

Publicly, Lunacre foster a sense of mystery and have been discrete during the creative process. While recording ‘Engine’ the band concealed themselves in their personal studio to masterfully craft their latest release with no outside production, mixing or mastering. The single will be the band’s first new material in 3 months, and will be the fourth track that they have released thus far.

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On writing ‘Engine’ Ben (lead vocals) says, “The song is about motives and discovery. Generally speaking, I wanted to evoke the feeling of redefining something in your mind after having taken it for granted for a long time. It was written in quite vague terms and I hope people can relate to the ideas as well as find their own meaning in it.”

Lunacre have released four original tracks (including ‘Engine’) and are working on an EP including brand new material for release later this year. ‘Engine’ is an incredibly consummate single, which demonstrates the diversity of the group’s influences and capabilities, and the infrequency and quality of their releases means that you’re always left wanting more.

Lunacre are:
Ben (Lead vocals, Ableton and keys)
Sam (Backing vocals and guitar)
BenJee (Saxophone, guitar, Ableton and backing vocals)
Jacob (Bass guitar)
JP (Drums and backing vocals)

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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