SEAWITCHES – STARS – listen here

SEAWITCHES - STARS - listen here

Based in Liverpool, Jo Herring and Laura Caldwell met in 2007 through friends; a meeting that resulted in an explosion of creativity where songwriting, musicianship and visual art collided to create SeaWitches. The band gig regularly in Liverpool, where they’ve played Sound City, Music Week and the Green Party Conference as well as hosting their own nights supporting other well known bands like Eagulls and Giant Drag.

2012 saw Tilo Pirnbaum joining the band on drums, and SeaWitches entered the studio to record their first EP ‘Spacegun’, which received positive reviews and helped secure a loyal and diverse fanbase. They also began to play outside Liverpool, securing gigs in Manchester and London.

Jamie Jenkin was recruited on guitar in 2014 and, seven years in the making, the line up is complete and the band are ready to take their music to a wider audience. Prolific songwriters, they work collaboratively with each member bringing a diverse set of influences.

Hailed as one of the most exciting bands to emerge from Liverpool’s music scene is recent years, SeaWitches are the latest signing for Edge Hill University’s The Label Recordings run by Carl Hunter of The Farm and assisted by media students. An experiment that has led to huge success for previous signing Hooton Tennis Club, who are now with Heavenly Recordings.

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Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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