SAINT COLE – to release ‘Within This Skin’ in October – listen

SAINT COLE - to release 'Within This Skin' in October - listen

Saint Cole are Nic (vocals/producer/DJ) and Curt (guitar/keys) they are from a small town called Dewsbury in West Yorkshire just two miles from Morley, home of the legendary nineties techno night The Orbit. Heavily influenced by this scene and the now legendary stories surrounding the club, Nic started producing and mixing hard dance/techno.

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Saint Cole represents Nic’s passion for dance music fused with his love of indie/rock. He cites influences as diverse as The Beatles, The Stone Roses, The La’s, Chemical Brothers, Massive Attack and Leftfield. Saint Cole was born when he started working with his life long friend Curt. The duo were soon joined by third band member Martin Kolcak who is based in Slovakia and contributes artwork, visuals and animation. Neither Nic nor Curt have met Martin yet, though this is set to change when Saint Cole embark on a tour in summer 2016, complete with live visuals.

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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