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Scottish band We Were Promised Jetpacks is back with their third album, Unravelling, and they deliver their most mature sounding album yet.  This is an accomplishment considering the relative youth of the band. 

When We Were Promised Jetpacks entered the indie rock scene five years ago they came out with a guitar-driven sureness.  Their debut album These Four Walls was an impressive first outing and it’s still one of my favorite albums.  Their second full length release In the Pit of the Stomach wasn’t as prolific, so I was interested in what this third album would bring.

I was pleasantly surprised by how polished this album sounds compared to previous WWPJ releases.  Not that their earlier works lacked production, but you can definitely hear a refinement in their sound. The album is by no means over-produced, but, almost ironically, Unravelling is a more controlled sounding album.  With the addition of a fifth band member, Stuart McGachan, the guitar work that the band is known for is complimented by the addition of keys – which results in a rich and atmospheric sound. Lead singer, Adam Thompson, also shows a maturity on Unravelling – the self-awareness to hold back at just the right moment.  All the signature qualities that I love about We Were Promise Jetpacks are present on this album – heavy guitar work, introspective lyrics, and a sense of urgency that will make for a dynamic live show.  But there’s a development on this album that shows WWPJ has turned a corner as a band.  We Were Promised Jetpacks have grown up.

Essential Listening from Unravelling:  Safety In Numbers, I Keep It Composed, Peace Sign, A Part Of It, Peace Of Mind

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Tillie Elvrum 12 Articles
Fav Band: U2 Fav album: The Joshua Tree Also check me out at: http://www.thenerdygirlie.com/Email: tillie@xsnoize.com

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