Manchester’s PARTISAN Share New Track ‘TWO LOVERS’ – Listen

Manchester's PARTISAN Share New Track 'TWO LOVERS' - Listen

Partisan formed in Manchester, UK early in 2013. As the name implies they are passionate about their mission to position themselves as serious contenders, taking on the music scene with their punchy, bold and unflinching rock anthems.

Stuart Armstrong (lead vocals and guitar) formed Partisan with Dan Albon (bass) and Rob Jones (drums) when his previous band Six10Repeater disbanded in 2012, following a career which saw them earn huge critical acclaim and commercial success.

Six10Repeater were awarded as ‘Best Unsigned Band’ by XFM in 2009. Two tracks ‘Hearts and Nails’ and ‘Today Somehow’ featured video game Pro Evolution Soccer and the band earned support slots for the likes of Nine Black Alps, Babyshambles, Status Quo and The Damned as well as being championed by BBC 6 Music’s Mark Radcliffe and BBC Introducing.

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Stuart sees Partisan as a natural progression from Six10Repeater both in style and spirit – innovators of new rock, Partisan underpin hard hitting lyrics with melodic rifts. The release of new single ‘Two Lovers’ will be followed by an as yet unnamed EP which they’re currently working on with The Charlatans producer Jim Spencer. Undoubtedly Partisan will be a band to keep a close eye on throughout 2016.

Live Dates:
30th Jan – Trapdoor at the Mill, Bradford
6th Feb – The Eagle, Salford
13th Feb – The Key Club, Leeds
24th March – The Shed, Leicester

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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