LIVE REVIEW: Jinjer at Euroblast Festival, Essigfabrik

LIVE REVIEW: Jinjer at Euroblast Festival, Essigfabrik 1
Credit: Alina Salihbekova

Jinjer is the band that worked super hard for years before finally getting the attention they deserve in progressive metalcore, djent and metal scenes.  Jinjer visited Germany during Euroblast Festival in Cologne.

The year is 2021, and gigs slowly but gradually are coming back after “we-all-know-what”. In August, Jinjer released their new record named Wallflowers, which is filled with banger after banger. Before the band came on stage, a song from Soviet comedy “Operation ‘Y’ & Other Shurik’s Adventures” started playing. The film that everyone who grew up in Soviet and post-Soviet countries knows very well. It immediately set up the mood of positivity and upbeat fun.

Credit: Alina Salihbekova

The first song, “Call Me a Symbol”, is from their newest record. It’s aggressive, loud and makes a statement! There’s a genuine shock in some people’s faces as not everyone knows what Jinjer’s vocalist Tatiana is truly capable of. Followed by immaculate and very technical instrumentals provided by Roman, Vlad and Eugene, the band proves that they are a true force of nature. Next comes “One The Top” – one of the band’s most popular songs. The crowd is singing along the chorus, mosh-pits are forming, the energy is there. Tati communicates with the audience in an entertaining, friendly and sweet manner – the complete opposite of what her growling might tell about her.

After “Pit of Consciousness”, the band starts playing “I Speak Astronomy” – another fan’s favourite, in which the band showcases their full potential in both instrumentals and vocals. “Disclosure!” from their latest album comes next. The crow starts dancing along and doesn’t stop during “Judgement (& Punishment)”, “Sleep of the Righteous”, “Ape”, “Retrospection”, and “Perennial”. Then the title track of their new album, “Wallflower”, starts playing – “an anthem for all introverts” as described by Tatiana herself, which is justified if you listen to the lyrics.

Credit: Alina Salihbekova

It is slow, melodic, touching and sentimental but ends with a loud growling that reminds us not to forget who we’re listening to. After a short technical difficulty break, while Vlad starts playing a little improv drumming to keep people entertained, the band plays “Teacher, teacher”, which leaves no prisoners – the crowd is dancing and singing along yet again. “As I Boil Ice” is a perfect mix of aggression and sensitivity, “Mediator” was played after that, and after “Home Back”, the band was already saying their goodbyes. But it was only a trick because “Vortex” was left as an encore song.

What a way to end their fantastic performance! While the band members were saying their goodbyes, thanking the crowd, taking photos and throwing guitar picks and drumsticks to the fans, their instrumental song “Micro” played in the background, showing how the band’s gigs are musically well-thought through. Jinjer is undoubtedly one of the most exciting bands in today’s metal scene. We can’t wait to see them live again!

Credit: Alina Salihbekova


Call Me a Symbol
On the Top
Pit of Consciousness
I Speak Astronomy
Judgement (& Punishment)
Sleep of the Righteous
Wallflower (followed by a little drum interlude while Roman experienced technical difficulties)
Teacher, Teacher
As I Boil Ice
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Xsnoize Author
Alina Salihbekova 74 Articles
Alina is a professional journalist and linguist who loves attending gigs. She's been taking pictures and reviewing live music since 2015 for a variety of different websites.Alina is a big music enthusiast and enjoys all sorts of different genres from nu-metal, industrial and hard rock to jazz, electronic and ambient music.

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