LIVE REVIEW: Editors Welcomed Back to Southampton

LIVE REVIEW: Editors Welcomed Back to Southampton 1
© Helen Russell

Editors Violence Tour kicked off last night in Southampton for the first night of their tour. With a crowd that did not get going till three-quarters of the way through the set.

LIVE REVIEW: Editors Welcomed Back to Southampton
© Helen Russell

Overall the gig was jammed full of hits, from The Racing Rats, Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors and Munich being moved from their traditional starting points to the encore. The crowd welcomed Tom and Co to the stage with cheers when the intro to The Boxer started (A song they haven’t played live since 2010). The crowd then settled down for most of the set taking in songs old and new such as Hallelujah (So Low), Violence, Darkness at the Door, Nothingness, Magazine and Cold. I thought the crowd standing to watch at an Editors gig was a surprise, until the 2009 hit Papillon started and everyone was jumping around – it got the loudest cheer of the night.

LIVE REVIEW: Editors Welcomed Back to Southampton
© Helen Russell

I think the setlist needs some work as Editors have a developed a varied sound throughout their 14-year history so far. Also, the bass sound was horrible which was something I haven’t experienced at Southampton Guildhall in a while, it ripped through my chest on certain songs no matter where I stood and sometimes made it impossible to hear the song at all.

LIVE REVIEW: Editors Welcomed Back to Southampton
© Helen Russell

I do however wish Editors good luck on the rest of their tour which comes to Bristol then over to Nottingham on Wednesday going around the UK and Ireland before finishing in London on 24th October before heading to mainland Europe finishing in December.



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