“I wasn’t delving into my parents old records like lots of cool kids do”; LUCY ROSE Interview

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“I wasn't delving into my parents old records like lots of cool kids  do”; LUCY ROSE Interview 3

“I wasn’t delving into my parents old records like lots of cool kids apparently do”; Lucy Rose Interview

Lucy Rose has grown from strength to strength as an artist. Signing to Columbia Records and releasing her second album “Work It Out” as well as touring all round the world, I caught up with her backstage at Mandela Hall, where she was supporting American artist, City & Colour.

You’re supporting City & Colour on this UK tour, how did that end up happening?

Well we did a tour with him in America, we have the same booking agent in America and Canada so they put us forward for it and luckily they took us around for a bit. So when we found out they were playing here I made sure I was put forward for it again.

How it’s been going so far? Where have you been? Any particular show you enjoyed a lot?

We’ve been around Europe & UK really. I really enjoyed Cologne that was a pretty big room which was fun.

LUCY ROSE Interview

Do you approach the show differently if you’re a support compared to when you’re a headline?

No I dont think so. I think I’m wary that people aren’t here to see me, which can actually make it more relaxed in ways because there’s not really any pressure on you.

You’re second album called ‘Work It Out’ was released last July. How did you find the difference between releasing your first album and second album?

Big difference really, the first one we recorded in my parents house, this one we recorded in a studio so the making of them were very different and I guess I just felt more pressure on the second one than I did on the first one, as you would just imagine.

Yeah, Obviously signing to Columbia was a big deal

Yeah but I just didn’t want to disappoint. I wasn’t living up to anything on the first record.

You grew up in Warwickshire, and didn’t really play out live until you moved to London. Was this because you just weren’t interested in playing out or there wasn’t much of a scene in Warwickshire?

I don’t really know of any open mics there. I probably could have but the problem was I would have been playing to loads of people I know which I didn’t really fancy doing for the first time. And I was really busy with school and I had two or three jobs because I was saving up to move to London. I was like a tennis coach, doing babysitting and working in a pub. So I didn’t really have a free evening to dedicate myself to music, but it became a choice I made when I left school.

Who would be your main influences when you were growing up?

I always think when people say growing up they mean when you were very young but I think a lot of my growing up was done from 18 onwards. It was a lot of Joni Mitchell and Neil Young and I was actually going back to catalogues that I’d never discovered. When I was a kid I’d just listen to whatever was on the radio, I wasn’t delving into my parents old records like lots of cool kids apparently do.

It was only when I became interested in songwriting and music that I went through its history and discovered lots of artists that I love.

Were your influences any different when recording the second album?

I don’t know if they’ve changed I think they are very much still there. Its hard to say because there is music I love but I don’t if it hand in hand influences my music. Its not like I’m trying to be something or be like somebody else. Your always trying to make your sound, your songs and your music.

The whole thing is quite a subconscious thing, its not actually very though out. I’m not like “right lets write a song that sounds like this person” its just something comes out and it sound the way it sounds and I almost can’t really understand it.

LUCY ROSE Interview

You played gigs in Belfast shortly before the release of your album, and then just after in the Empire in November. What was it like playing here before the album came out and then coming back?

Sometimes its difficult coming to Northern Ireland and Dublin, because everywhere else I’ve toured a lot more because its just easier. I don’t have like a 400 quid ferry to pay if I want to do a gig in Manchester. Generally I feel really bad because I don’t feel like I’ve given as much time to here.

Its like touring Europe, you need way more finances and especially if I’ve got a band. Places like London I’ve played hundreds and hundreds of gigs and you can see it growing but I’ve never been able to dedicate as much time doing that in Northern Ireland so I always feel very grateful to anyone coming out to a gig because I haven’t done loads of radio here or done much press.

Well thanks very much for your time!

No worries!

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Fionn Crossan 48 Articles
Fav Artist(s): John Martyn, Aphex Twin Fav album: Solid Air - John Martyn

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