Manchester psychedelic rock’n’roll band Hey Bulldog announce the release of the brand new 5-track ‘Numb’ EP.

The EP follows last summers’ critically acclaimed free download single ‘Numb’ which was exclusively unveiled by John Kennedy on XFM and went on to gain national radio play on several other stations including multiple plays on Steve Lamacq’s BBC 6 music show and Amazing Radio.
Recorded in London and produced and mixed by guitarist/songwriter Rob Manton the ‘Numb’ EP contains many different influences and flavours with the resulting songs ranging from pure pysch rock to gospel blues.

The band began as an idea of main man Rob Manton recording the debut EP, New York City Blues, by himself with the help of a drum machine.
Finding a pair of likeminded cohorts Matt Parry (bass) and Ben Howarth-Lees (drums) Manton turned Hey Bulldog into an outstanding live bluesy psychedelic 3 piece band known for their musicianship and live improvisations.
After the previous ‘Rip It Up’ EP in 2013 the band played several smaller festivals and had support slots with the likes of Syd Arthur, Mazes and The Electric Soft Parade.

Having already had support slots with J Roddy Walston & The Business and The Family Rain, and performed at this year’s Threshold Festival in Liverpool and Forever Sun Festival in Dorset, more live dates will be announced soon for the rest of 2014.
The ‘Numb’ EP is Out Now and available via all major digital download and streaming platforms, on CD via the bands website www.hey-bulldog.com and as a High Quality Digital Download from the Bandcamp page http://heybulldog.bandcamp.com

Live Dates

6/8 The Ruby Lounge Manchester, 28/9 Kings Arms Festival Salford, 4/10 Oxjam Manchester, 9/10 Lomax Liverpool, 17/10 The Tudor Wigan, 7/11 The Castle Hotel Manchester


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Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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