CARINA ROUND – Announces Remix Album – Tigermixes due out on 31 July

CARINA ROUND - Announces Remix Album - Tigermixes due out on 31 July

Following the release of her fourth critically acclaimed 2012 studio album “Tigermending”, British singer/songwriter Carina Round returns from a brief spell of touring and recording with her other musical endeavours Puscifer and Early Winters with a full-length remix album of its predecessor, the aptly titled “Tigermixes”.

Collaborating with a host of talent from both her native England and resident US, “Tigermixes” is an exaggerated, re-imagination of Round’s skilfully crafted works, quite unlike any of her releases to date. The CD boasts the remix and production efforts of an eclectic cut of standout acts including: Puscifer (Maynard James Keenan and Mat Mitchell), Curt Smith (Tears For Fears), Phil Mossman (LCD Soundsystem) and personally selected underground and breakthrough talents, including members of Carina’s musical family who worked closely on the making and touring of “Tigermending”.

This release features re-workings of all eleven tracks from the original album, together with the physical release debut of the fan favourite bonus track “Got to Go” [2000 Years BC Remix] Feat. Billy Corgan (The Smashing Pumpkins).

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Carina Round has carved a singular path in music with her inimitable voice and stirringly varied compositions. She hails from England, where she self-released her first two albums ‘First Blood Mystery’ and ‘The Disconnection’ (inspired by Patti Smith, Tom Waits and Jeff Buckley). This led to her being snapped up by Interscope, who re-released ‘The Disconnection’ in 2004 and took her out to Los Angeles, where she recorded her bewitching and seductive album ‘Slow Motion Addict’ with acclaimed producer Glen Ballard. Accompanying this release in 2007 was a unique 12-part episodic series that cleverly coincided with each track, creating a visual story for the album. In this film Carina starred as the troubled lead character, Maisie Scarlett.

A couple years later, after parting ways with Interscope, Carina toured with Annie Lennox and self-released her ethereal and nakedly confessional EP ‘Things You Should Know’, which resulted in considerable success. Her new songs were featured in numerous film & TV shows and multiple radio stations, including KCRW, championed her music. Carina became a touring member of Puscifer, Tool’s Maynard James Keenan’s band, and worked on their albums ‘Conditions of My Parole’ and ‘Donkey Punch The Night’.

Carina co-writes and performs frequently with other artists she admires, including singing on The Twilight Singers album ‘Dynamite Steps’, working with the award winning composers John Debney and Glen Ballard on a song composed for the film ‘Valentine’s Day’, writing with Academy Award winner Marco Beltrami, performing and touring with Tears For Fears, as well as completing a couple albums with her Alt-Country side project Early Winters. TV and film placements include American Horror Story, Being Human, Vampire Diaries, GRIMM as well as many more.

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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