WOLF ALICE – ‘Giant Peach’ – Watch video

WOLF ALICE:  announce debut album, 'My Love Is Cool'- stream new single 'Giant Peach'

Following the news of their debut album My Love Is Cool, London’s Wolf Alice have now unveiled the video to new single ‘Giant Peach’.
Directed by S’blood, the video to ‘Giant Peach’ is a true collaborative effort, seeing the band turning their tongue-in-cheek levels up to eleven; becoming a bad-band with a bad manager (played by Tony Gardner) in their own take on a rock-mockumentary, involving a directing appearance from Ewen Macintosh (Keith from The Office) and plenty of sleaze, smashed bottles, fights and enough pan flutes & lutes that would be at home in ye ol’ stonehenge.

Watch ‘Giant Peach’ BELOW:

Elaborating on the concept behind the video vocalist Ellie Rowsell explains, “Here we are trying out our questionable acting skills once again. It’s almost a sequel to our video Fluffy and a look in to the future of Wolf Alice – featuring lots of leather, hip thrusting, murder and a very naughty manager. Special thank you to Tony Gardner for being a hero.”

My Love Is Cool will be released through Dirty Hit Records in the UK on 22nd June 2015.

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Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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