THE CHEAP THRILLS – Release new single ‘Rusty’ 13 July – listen

THE CHEAP THRILLS - Release new single 'Rusty' 13 July - listen

The Cheap Thrills’ release their new single ‘Rusty’ on July 13th, encapsulating the band’s energy and youth with an added Psych/Pop vibe. Aged just eighteen and nineteen, the band have already headlined 02 Academy shows, have been selected as winners of the coveted Liverpool Sound City Youth Award 2012 and played the Calling Out stage of Kendal Calling in the same year.

Since then, The Cheap Thrills have played successful gigs in London, as well as supporting Cast, The Rifles, The Moons, The Jezabels, Wave Machines, Skaters and Superfood.

Regulars on BBC Introducing Merseyside, the band have also been featured in The Guardian’s ‘Breaking Bands Column’

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Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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