Antonio Paul is the recording project of Marc Antonio and Michael Paul, that sometimes manifests as a live band. Created from the depths of the deep south of Western Australia, with the intentions similar to any art project that is packed full of social commentary, anti-establishment spunk and the critical analysis of a generation. Sonically serving the purpose to bridge the gap between bands and new wave electronic producers.

Mostly a result of having such a eclectic range of influences, the genre-crossing twist’s and turns of Antonio Paul can deceive any one into believing that each song could in fact be from various different artists. From the eyes of Antonio Paul, this quality is necessary in this modern age of music as the defining trait to separate themselves from an over saturated scene, serving the purpose of keeping whom ever is watching and listening always guessing.

Basically cornering or placing Antonio Paul into a box simply won’t work. The mystic heavy fog that surrounds the band is key to stopping the prediction or placement of their music. Ultimately forcing the listener to essentially live in the moment of each song and to enjoy what they have – opposed to what could be

Antonio Paul have come a long way since their self produced and recorded track ‘City Dreams’. Since then Marc Antonio and Michael Paul from Bunbury, Western Australia have been busy crafting their tunes and working with upcoming local directors to produce their music video clips.

In this short space of time the boys soon clocked up a strong fanbase both in Australia and Overseas and have supported the likes of Jinja Safari, San Cisco and Snakadaktal.

Antonio Paul created a bit of a buzz on music blogs and college webzines overseas and currently have the interest of some of the World’s leading record labels and booking agencies, and in more recent times have acquired a young gun at Island Def Jam joining them as co-manager for the USA… it’s the UK’s turn with Antonio Paul’s new EP Modern Daze.

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Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast.Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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