Features 2

Relaxation Aid: How Listening to Music Helps To Relieve Stress

Music is known to have a positive effect on the human body. Music therapy is a field that focuses on using tunes for improved well-being. However, you can also use music to relieve stress in everyday life. The best thing is that you don’t have to dedicate your precious time since you can listen to music while performing other tasks. This post explains more about how to use music for stress relief!

The impact of music

When talking about relaxation, every person should find what works best for them. Some will enjoy playing at an online casino Ireland. Others will rely on music to relieve stress. But also some people enjoy morning walks as a method to relieve stress. 

From time to time, people like to try their luck with slot games. But did you know that the music played at casinos is purposely set to create a relaxing ambiance? Casinos will play calm music to relieve stress. With this, the customers will stay more and spend more. But also, the sound effects will hype a person. The slot machines have a coin-clinking sound, reminding the player subconsciously that they are about to win money. 

Start your day

There is no better way to start your day than a relaxing tune. As soon as you wake up, play your favorite playlist to set a positive tone. If you wish to stay calm and creative, go for instrumental or classical music. Classical music will calm you with soothing sounds. But if you need the energy to seize the day, it is better to go for upbeat music that makes you want to dance. 

Play music when commuting

Whether you go by bus, metro, or car, you have time for yourself. And this is perfect for listening to your curated playlist. Instead of thinking he commutes time as wasted, consider it time for yourself. 


Cooking might be a tedious everyday chore. However, you can turn it into a fun experience with the help of music. Play soothing music genres such as jazz to make time pass quicker and relax your body and soul after a long day. But also play soft music during the meal. Relaxing sounds will lower your cortisol levels, which will aid digestion. 

While cooking might not be everyone’s favorite, cleaning is undoubtedly a deal breaker. Suppose you don’t have the energy to clean, press play, and see how the music motivates you to do it. Pop and hip-hop music will boost your energy with uplifting beats. 

Bedtime music

The stress and everyday worries might keep you awake at night. A good night’s sleep is crucial for your body and mind, so relieve the pressure before you go to bed with music. Soothing music sounds will decrease the heart rate and help you slow down your breathing. But also, it will take your thoughts away from the things that bother you. When the body and mind feel relaxed, you will quickly fall asleep.

Final thoughts

Using music to your advantage is a brilliant idea. Marketers already use music to promote specific behaviors to enhance sales. They will play soothing music to relax the consumer and make then want to stay longer, which makes them spend more money. Gentle and calm music will help you relax your body and mind. Therefore, use it for the moments when you are stressed and wish to unwind. Go for dynamic music when you need a kick of energy to start chores or a workout. Pop or hip-hop is ideal for giving you the power to tackle your everyday tasks. 

XS Noize

Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as hosting interviews for the weekly XS Noize Podcast. Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.